
WDS never turns away students based on financial need. WDS proudly offers a groundbreaking income-based tuition cap program that correlates adjusted gross income (AGI) with a fair and reasonable tuition payment. No scholarship application is needed; the only required documentation is a Form 1040, and our Executive Director will provide prompt confirmation of each family’s financial obligation.

Families with AGI of $260,000 or less pay a flat, all-inclusive tuition fee according to the following schedule:

 Ganon (Tot's tastic, 3's and 4's)
2nd & 三年级
4th & 五年级
6日,7日 & 8年级

Families with AGI over $260,000 enjoy capped tuition payments (up to a 40% reduction) as a percentage of AGI:
  • 例如, at an AGI of $350K, the cap is 19% of AGI (i.e., $66,500).
  • The income-based cap includes tuition payments to yeshiva high schools. Your WDS obligation is a pro rata share of the cap. 例如, if your WDS tuition is $50,000, and your yeshiva high school tuition is $35,000, WDS’s pro rata share is (50/85), or about 59% of the cap.
  • Use our online tuition calculator below to determine your obligation.

Online 学费计算器:


  • If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Finance and Operations:  Elliot Shriner-Cahn at eshriner-cahn@westchesterday.电话:914-698-8900分机. 133.
  • To participate in any of our assistance programs, your WDS account must be in good standing.




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.